Christchurch, Thursday 13th February 2020 / Auckland, Friday 14th February 2020
Social isolation and loneliness are frequent problems for people with acquired brain injury (ABI). Problems with social connection can arise from a range of impairments including cognitive, especially executive function deficits, communication problems, social disinhibition, and problems with anxiety and depression as well as from a lack of community knowledge and understanding of brain injury and its consequences. Although the problem of social isolation following ABI is well documented, attempts to develop effective interventions to improve community connection for adults with ABI have seen relatively little success. This workshop covers information on the latest research with the key objectives of increasing social activity, increasing social functioning (skills and behaviours) and supporting people to develop and maintain satisfying social relationships in the community. The workshop is open to all people involved in supporting those with brain injury: health professionals, care providers, disability advocates, family and friend of people with brain injury, and ACC case managers.
Professor Jacinta Douglas is an international research leader on rehabilitation after traumatic brain injury. Professor Douglas holds the Summer Foundation Chair of Living Well with Brain Injury at La Trobe University in the Living with Disability Research Centre. Jacinta’s qualifications span the disciplines of speech pathology, clinical psychology and neuropsychology. Her research contribution has advanced knowledge in the domains of interpersonal communication and psychosocial functioning following brain injury. Professor Douglas currently leads a three-year multi component community connection (M-Com Connect) research project funded by the Institute of Safety Compensation and Research Recovery to investigate innovative strategies to support social activity, social relationships and community inclusion for people with severe brain injury who live in a range of different environments. Jacinta is a Fellow of the Australasian Society for the Study of Brain Impairment and the Speech Pathology Association of Australia and is founding co-editor of the multidisciplinary journal Brain Impairment.
Early-bird registration - before 7 December 2019
- $35 for current financial NZRA members
After 7 December 2019:
- $50 for current financial NZRA members
- $75 for Non-members
Wellington, NZ | 2-4 May 2019
Early bird rates for conference registration closes on 31st March 2019
The NZRA is excited to announce that we will be holding our biennial rehabilitation conference in partnership with the Australasian Society for the Study of Brain Impairment (ASSBI) in Wellington, 2019. Building on the World Health Organization's Rehabilitation Strategy to 2030, the theme of this conference will be: "A call for action". We have two excellent speakers coming from the UK: Professor Jonathan Evans and Professor Fiona Jones. In addition, we have as invited speakers the fabulous Dr Matire Harwood (Director pf Tōmaiora, Māori Health Research, Auckland University, Clinical Director of Tamaki Healthcare PHO, and 2017 L'Oréal UNESCO For Women in Science Fellow), Professor Fary Khan (Royal Melbourne Hospital; Melbourne University), and Professor Robyn Tate (University of Sydney).
This conference is kindly sponsored by ACC.
Date: Thursday 13 November 2014
Time: 12.30pm - 5.00pm (includes interactive sessions, time for discussion and also informal networking)
Venue: Chapel - Building 9, Burwood Health Campus, Christchurch
This workshop will explore recent evidence about goal setting, share ideas about some of the difficulties in goal setting practice and how those might be best managed, and look at some new ideas about how we might do it differently (and hopefully better!)
The sessions will be facilitated by William Levack from the University of Otago (Wellington), Nicola Kayes and Kath McPherson from AUT University (Auckland)
Cost: $25.00 (includes afternoon tea)
(Cost also includes membership of the NZRA for 2015 - a $25 fee for membership is being introduced in 2015)
Parking available on site.