We were privileged to have Dr Harry McNaughton speak at the NZRA AGM this week.
This is what he talked about:
Most publicly-funded rehabilitation services in New Zealand and other 'western' countries adopt a professional-dominant approach, focusing on biomedical concerns, particularly trying to reduce impairments and improve simple activities. A broader context acknowledging the ideas of rehabilitation pioneers, the wishes of people living with the consequences of inherited or acquired disabling conditions, educational psychology and recent randomised trials for people after stroke suggest that the key to optimising outcomes of importance to the people themselves requires a focus on psychological concerns, particularly intrinsic motivation. Major questions remain. Timing, dose and duration of interventions? How to start changing practice? What about conditions with dominant cognitive and behavioral concerns like TBI and mental health conditions? This short talk provided the briefest of overviews of what we know so far and explore some of the ideas of where we may be heading.
You can watch a recording of the session here: https://youtu.be/ICgebhT5pK0
You can also download a copy of the PPT slides in PDF version
Harry's email: harrymcn100@gmail.com
Take Charge website for all materials and articles: https://bit.ly/3ysp1KM