Kia ora koutou
Caroline Juinot, who is doing a great job liaising with NZRA on behalf of ACC, has forwarded the following information that may be of interest to you.
CONSULTATION: Cost of Treatment Regulations
ACC has opened a targeted consultation for the next round of changes to the Cost of Treatment Regulations (CoTR). The consultation is open from 3 April – 1 May.
The Minister has requested that ACC run a targeted consultation on behalf of the Minister for ACC, with the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment (MBIE). Previously this has been an MBIE led process. The Minister's desire is to return to a bi-annual review and implementation cycle.
That means that this year ACC is focused on delivering changes that can be applied quickly while collecting feedback on wider sector issues so that they can address these in future reviews. Their hope is that this will allow providers to realise the benefits from the proposed changes sooner.
The consultation document: CoTR 2022 review - consult document.pdf
ACC would really appreciate your feedback on the proposal. They would also like to take the opportunity to encourage NZRA members to make submissions.
ACC will also be sharing the consultation document with providers who have billed us under CoTR in the last year and through our Provider Update.
ACC like to acknowledge that the new changes for the previous review cycle came into effect on Saturday 1 April. The new pricing sheets are available on ACC's website
As always if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with ACC directly. Otherwise, you can email directly with submissions or pātai.
ACC are pleased to announce the Innovation Fund is returning for a second round!
Next month ACC be calling for proposals for innovative health service initiatives. This round ACC are offering contestable, one-off grants of up to $100,000 (incl. GST) to successful applicants.
This year ACC want to hear about your ideas on how whānau can be supported to stay connected, engaged and return to their workplace after an injury. Your proposal could focus on service design, systems, technology, equity, or improvements to a current process.
For this fund ACC are not looking for research or injury prevention initiatives – they have other grants or project funding in place for these.
Your idea should be ready for implementation early 2024, without the need for ongoing support from ACC. It may need funding support to get it off the ground, or it could already be implemented but needs more funding support to get across the line.
More details on what ACC are looking for and how to apply will come out in the May Provider Update [head to the link to subscribe to these emailed updates].